Bearproof Containers
Updated: August 14 2020
Backpackers' Cache:
Have everything packed and ready before you leave home!
8.8" dia. X 12" long, weight 2.7 lbs.
Designed to slip into your backpack.
These bear-proof canisters are required in the Central High Peaks Zone and are
essential to use on any backcountry overnight adventure to any backpacking
or canoe camping destination.
Rental Rates (
We have the best rental price! ):
1-3 nights $5.00
4-7 nights $10.00
Call Jim Schneider 518-421-4975 to reserve your canister rental.
Rentals are available exclusively to ADK Glens Falls-Saratoga Chapter members
Backpackers’ Cache (Garcia Manufacturing) and Bear Keg (Counter Assault) are the only two bear
resistant food containers approved for use in the Central High Peaks Zone.