Yogurt (2020 January)
It must have been triggered by some trash we picked up along the trail because after our Mo-led hike, we discussed plastic
packaging during lunch. We pondered whether it was possible to personally eliminate using plastic for just one commonly used item,
like yogurt cups. If 1% of the population eats a small container of yogurt in a day, that’s over a billion yogurt cups per year.
During my research I discovered that you could buy a large container of local farm yogurt in a glass container at the Market 32
by the Wilton Mall. So perhaps, yes, if you look for it, you can replace your plastic yogurt cup with glass.
a random check of other similar supermarkets came up empty. Apparently, this local yogurt brand is not widely distributed.
Worse than that, the next time I bought the same yogurt, it was now contained in a plastic jar. Not all of us can make
our own yogurt and eliminating yogurt is an option, but not one I choose.
Since our lunchtime conversation my OCD has
taken over and I have found that you can get refillable versions of many household items. So maybe yogurt is not on my list
to eliminate plastic at the moment, but there are many options out there and the challenge is one worth taking.
Local Trail Initiatives (2019 November)
Quality of life matters and for folks like us who enjoy the outdoors, it is heartening to engage with others who are so motivated.
Here are several topics from the recent Countywide (Saratoga) Trails Committee meeting most relevant to our chapter.
- Zim Smith trail expansion (my favorite bike trail): This is a 9-mile trail that initiates in Ballston Spa and runs southward.
Funding is in place to expand this trail farther south to Mechanicville where it will eventually hook up with the Champlain Canalway
trail that is being expanded north from Waterford. Plans are to eventually expand the trail northward to Saratoga Springs.
- Palmertown trail system: The southern Palmertown area stretches from the Hudson River in the north to
Saratoga Springs in the south. Its bounded on the east by Route 9 and on the west by Route 9N.The
Palmertown trail, an important initiative of the area plan, is envisioned to run 13 miles from Moreau State Park to Saratoga Springs.
A dedicated coordinator has now been hired and this project will accelerate. There will be opportunity for our ADK chapter to become
actively involved in planning, scouting and other trail activities.
Close Encounters of the TICKY kind (2019 July)
I sit here with an itching sensation on the inside of my leg wondering if the first bite I got this year is flaring up again. Took me by surprise, freshly mowed lawn, quick walk down to the garden during one of the few moments of sunshine. You can’t be careless around these critters or they will get you, and if they get you, you need to pay attention. In my case, cellulitis, a skin infection that can get nasty if not treated. Ten days of doxycycline (antibiotic) and it cleared up.
Ticks were a prime topic at the recent ADK Conservation Committee meeting. Neil Woodworth is deep into this subject both technically and politically (funding for research was removed from the state budget). He has co-authored with Cathy Pedler a comprehensive article on the tick problem in the current issue (May-June) of Adirondack magazine. It’s a worthwhile read. As for me, I now have a pair of socks treated with permethrin and have not had any more ticks since. You pay a premium for these and other treated clothing, but it is worth the investment. There is also a permethrin insect repellent spray for clothing that is
effective. Prevention is always the best way. May we all have many happy, tick-free trails.
French Mountain Protected by LGLC (2018 December)
In October 2018, the Lake George Land Conservancy (LGLC) purchased 317 acres on French Mountain. The area protected is located
on the east side of Bloody Pond Road. LGLC will ultimately sell the land to the towns of Lake George and Queensbury and retain
conservation easements that will protect it in perpetuity. Conservation of this land will provide recreation and water quality
protection for the lake’s sensitive watershed. The land also provides a connection to the East Brook Preserve, a 12-acre parcel
purchased by LGLC in early 2018. The Towns plan to create a multi-use trail system on the property
utilizing some of the historic logging and skid trails. The land offers a breathtaking view of the lake, village, and surrounding Adirondacks.
The property was owned by the McPhillips family, which also owned the East Brook Preserve land, and desired to see the land protected and
used as a recreational resource for the community.
LGLC’s announcement said the project became a “demonstration of how a land trust can successfully partner with municipalities for land
conservation, and the shared goal of protecting Lake George”.
For more information about the Lake George Land Conservancy, visit:
Southern Palmertown Strategy Plan Released (2018 December)

A conservation and recreation strategy plan for the Southern Palmertown area, located in Saratoga County, was released to the public in November. Saratoga PLAN, Open Space Institute, and Alta Planning and Design collaborated and conducted a public workshop in December 2017, as well as public surveys, and stakeholder interviews during the public engagement process prior to the release of the plan. The Southern Palmertown plan evaluates opportunities and provides recommendations for conservation, recreation,
and sustainable economic development, including a trail connecting Moreau Lake State Park to Daniels Road State Forest. Other recommendations include the establishment
of a community forest, develop eco-tourism and recreation-based tourism, and develop a “Friends” organization to support recreational development.
Saratoga PLAN’s announcement states, “The plan suggests steps that can be taken by local communities that will result in retention of the landscape,
its environmental services, and natural resources, while simultaneously stimulating compatible economic development activities”.
In a county that has a high demand for development, it will be important to protect the Southern Palmertown area. This ecologically diverse area
can provide many opportunities for the local community. Future partnerships will be important to seeing these opportunities come to fruition.
The ADK-GFS chapter will be involved in a working group to oversee implementation of the plan’s recommendations and to ensure our members'
interests are represented.
Follow the link on
Saratoga PLAN’s website for more information and to access the report .
Support the Land and Water Conservation Fund (2018 September)
The Land and Water Conservation Fund has been instrumental in providing funding for local and state conservation and recreation projects
for the past 52 years. The LWCF is due to expire this September and ADK is asking for your support. The LWCF was created to protect our land,
water, and recreational areas. LWCF grants have improved many outdoor recreational opportunities right here in Saratoga and Warren counties,
including Moreau Lake State Park, Saratoga Spa Park, Warren County Bikeway, Lake Luzerne, Lake George beach access and recreation park,
and Haviland Cove Park.
Take action by sending a letter to your US Rep and Senator.
Click the link:
Send letter
Saratoga PLAN Announces Bog Meadow Trail Improvements (2018 September)
The 3M Company has awarded Saratoga PLAN an $11,250 Eco-Grant for environmental work related to the ongoing Bog Meadow Brook Nature
Trail improvement project in Saratoga Springs, New York. The funds will be used to improve trail access by creating a new route
linking the Meadowbrook Road trailhead and the main trail, for boardwalk leveling and repairs, and to raise and smooth the
trailbed from the northern Route 29 entrance.
For additional information, please visit Saratoga PLAN’s website:
On February 2, 2018, the Adirondack Park Agency (APA) Board voted to accept the Boreas Ponds classification and recommend the preferred
alternative to Governor Cuomo for his final consideration. The Governor issued a statement the same day saying he looked forward to s
igning the APA classification package.
The APA approved Alternative 2B, presented below, which classifies 11,400 acres around Boreas Ponds as Wilderness. The Wilderness classification
will maintain the remoteness and protect the fragile characteristics of the Boreas Ponds. Public uses will be limited to non-motorized
and non-mechanized uses, including kayaking, canoeing, hiking, skiing, and camping.

The southern portion, 9,118 acres, of the Boreas Ponds tract will be classified as Wild Forest and includes the Gulf Brook and Boreas
Ponds Roads north of the LaBier Flow Dam. Under this classification the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)
will be allowed to maintain the dam and public motor vehicle use can be as close as 0.1 mile from the dam and shoreline of Boreas Ponds.
Public uses in the Wild Forest area can include motorized recreational uses such as bicycles and snowmobiles.
An 11-acre area near the Boreas Ponds Dam will be classified as Primitive, allowing NYSDEC to maintain the dam. The Primitive classification
prohibits public motorized use.
Further development of recreational opportunities and improvements, including trails, trailhead parking, and campsites, will be decided during
the Unit Management Plan (UMP) planning process. Lands classified as Wilderness will be added to the High Peaks Wilderness UMP and the Wild Forest
lands will be added to the Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest UMP. Both UMPs are expected to be revised this summer.
Throughout the Boreas Ponds classification process, the APA received a great deal of public feedback, including the attendance of 1,215 people at
the public hearings, more than 11,000 written public comments, and three petitions with over 27,000 signatures. Draft UMPs will be available for
public review and comment.
The APA’s press release with a description of the recommendations and the overall 2016-2017 State Land Classification action can be found
at the following link:
Press Release.
The Adirondack Park Agency and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation are jointly seeking public comments for the proposed Draft
Best Management Practices for Design and Layout of Primitive Tent Sites in the Adirondack Forest Preserve. The guidance pertains to primitive tent sites,
defined as no more than three tents with a pit privy and fire ring, outside of NYSDEC campgrounds.
The guidance would provide standards for constructing, operating, and maintaining primitive tent sites. The public comment period will end on January 22, 2018.
Please contact ADK or visit their website (www.adk.org) for the club’s position on the proposed guidance. More information can be found on NYSDEC’s
Proposition 1 – Constitutional Convention - A big win for ADK and many other organizations. On November 7th, voters rejected the constitutional convention proposition. The ADK opposed the proposition stating it would weaken or detrimentally modify the “Forever Wild” protection under Article XIV of the NY Constitution. The next vote on the constitutional convention is due in 2037.
Proposition 3 – Forest Preserve Land Bank Amendment – Approved by voters and ADK, this proposition creates a forest preserve land bank of 250 acres for qualifying local projects in the Adirondack Park. Municipalities can use the land bank when there is no viable alternative to use forest preserve land for roads, wells, or other amenities. The proposal also allows bike paths, trails, and certain public utilities within the width of highways cutting across forest preserve.

Working with Saratoga PLAN graduate students in The State University of New York at Albany 2017 Graduate Planning Studio class recently delivered their final presentation on conservation and recreation analysis of the Palmertown Conservation Area. The students’ analysis will provide a starting point for an upcoming initiative to involve the local community in developing a strategic and comprehensive conservation plan for the Palmertown Conservation Area, stretching from Moreau Lake State Park down to Saratoga Springs.
Open Space Institute and PLAN recently received a $40,000 Conservation Catalyst Grant from the New York State Conservation Partnership Program. The grant will allow the conservation groups to engage local communities in planning for the area’s future. The goals of this grant are to accelerate conservation between Moreau Lake and Saratoga Spa state parks and to create a 13-mile recreational link between the parks and local communities.
Utilizing GPS, GIS, and extensive local knowledge, Saratoga PLAN volunteers are currently working with public and private stakeholders scouting new trail routes. The ultimate goal is a continuous multi-use trail network stretching the length of the Palmertown area.
Already there are new hiking opportunities opening up in the area, including trails around Lake Bonita in Moreau Lake State Park. Accessible from a marked parking area off of Wilton Mountain Road, there is a loop trail around the lake, with connections to the Waterfall Trail and the Lake Ann Trail. Check out PLAN’s map for more information:
LOBBY DAY 2017 (2017 May)
Lobby Day for the Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) was held on February 14, 2017 in Albany. The EPF has provided millions of dollars to protect
natural resources, open space and farmland, and water quality, funded invasive species control, and has also contributed to economic development.
ADK’s goal is to increase funding for the EPF to support projects and programs, such as open space, invasive species control, and stewardship
(i.e., Summit Steward Program). Participants met with legislators and their staff to discuss the importance of the EPF to help support these
essential programs. Participants urged their legislators to maintain the $300 million funding level, increase funding for land acquisition and
open space, and increase funding for aquatic invasive species prevention and management strategies (i.e., boat washing and inspection stations). SOLAR IN SPA CITY
The former Saratoga Springs city landfill is getting a facelift this summer. A non-penetrating ground mounted solar array will be installed on the
landfill on Weibel Avenue. Onyx Renewable Partners will design, build, and operate the 2 megawatt solar array and plans to break ground in early April
and be operational this summer. The project is being financed by Onyx and grant money from NYSERDA NY-Sun Program. About 40% of the city’s utilities will
receive power from the solar array for Phase 1 of the project. Phase 2 of the project will provide community residents the opportunity to buy into a shared/community solar arrangement.
Boreas Ponds Tract (2016 January)
ADK has joined other environmental groups to urge Governor Cuomo to expand the High Peaks Wilderness area to include the 21,000 acre
Boreas Ponds Tract. The former Finch, Pruyn & Company property was recently purchased by the Nature Conservancy and the state is expected
to acquire the land by the end of the fiscal year on March 31, 2016. The addition of the Boreas Ponds Tract, along with other recent
state purchases, to the High Peaks Wilderness would create a 280,000 acre Wilderness Area, larger than the Rocky Mountain National
Park or Mount Rainier National Park.
ADK is lobbying for classification of the area as "wilderness" which protects and preserves
the lands in their wild state. ADK is also proposing that the plan permit a snowmobile trail "to be constructed to connect the hamlets
of Newcomb and North Hudson along the Blue Ridge Road." Neil Woodworth recently stated that "The Boreas Ponds must be protected
inside a motor-free wilderness to preserve water quality, a fishery free of the threat of aquatic invasive species,
and a rare opportunity for solitude and quiet." More information and an ADK Action Alert is available at ADK.org.
Watershed Property to be Opened for Public Recreation (2015 November)
Officials from the City of Glens Falls and the Town of Queensbury have reached an agreement to open a portion of the City's
watershed property for public recreation. The property is located in the Town of Queensbury; the Town will develop trails on
the land and the City will retain its water rights. Past issues with adequately protecting the water supply had been an obstacle to opening the lands..
A loop trail around Butler Pond will be open for walkers and bicyclists during the non-winter months. Part of this trail is on a Warren County
snowmobile route, thus making it unavailable for other uses during the winter. Another short trail along Halfway Brook will be open year-round;
it will connect Aviation Road to Peggy Ann Road. Parking areas are planned for Butler Pond Road and Aviation Road.
Public Right of Navigation Upheld (2015 November)
In January, the Appellate Division of NY's Supreme Court upheld a 2013 lower court decision
in favor of a journalist sued by property owners who claimed that waterways on their land should be closed to the public. The lawsuit originated
when private landowners in an area near the Whitney Wilderness Canoe Area challenged a 1998 ruling establishing recreational use as a valid reason
for whether or not a waterway should be open to public use.
These landowners, who had put up barriers and 'No Trespassing' signs along Shingle Shanty Brook, filed a lawsuit against a paddler who published
an account of a paddling trip along the brook between Little Tupper Lake and Lake Lila. Supporters of paddlers' rights welcom January's ruling
and hope that it will open up more waterways for public use. The property owners said they will likely appeal this new ruling to a higher court - the Court of Appeals.
Budget Proposes Increase for Environmental Protection Fund (2015 November)
Governor Cuomo has proposed increasing the Environmental Protection Fund's (EPF) budget allocation from $162 million to $172 million.
Environmental groups, including the Adirondack Mountain Club, had been pushing for an increase to $200 million. The fund is used for
projects such as open space protection, stewardship of state parks and other public lands, controlling invasive species, and restoring historic sites.