Updated: September 18 2024
Updated: October 10 2024
ADK Fire Tower
News updated October 13 2024
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Facebook & Instagram provide important outing and event info.
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  The 2024 November Newsletter is Available on this Website [2024-10-11]
  Banff Film Festival World Tour 2025: Jan 31, Feb 1, Feb 2   VIRTUAL [2024-10-01]

  Scheduled dates:  
  Jan 31, Feb 1, Feb 2

  Nancy Battaglia is Annual Dinner Key Note Speaker [2024-09-29]
She is the key note speaker for the Annual Dinner on October 25. She is an award winning photographer living in the Adirondack mountains near Lake Placid, New York. Published extensively, she has photographed 12 winter Olympics and is adept at capturing moments, emotions and motion to tell stories.

She has completed the 46er four times in summer and winter. She is an accomplished outdoors woman. Her images continue to be seen in regional publications and are spectacular.

  'How Wildlife got to where it is' - Held 9/25 at Saratoga Lib [2024-09-26]
How our wildlife got to where it is today, and where it will be tomorrow.

The activities of humans have always influenced wildlife populations. Advancements in technologies, changes in social mores, and the relentless increase in population have benefitted a small number of species but have harmed vastly more.

Join Alan Hicks, retired endangered species biologist with DEC, as he meanders through his own experiences coupled with a number of examples drawn from history, to draw a picture of what the future for wildlife and humans might hold.
  Firetower Challenge Forms can now be subitted online [2024-08-24]
FTC 2.0 is up and running. Use the link below to find out about the new requirements and how to submit your completion form online.

If you have questions please contact us at firetower@adk-gfs.org
  Annual Dinner with Vote for Chapter Officers [2024-09-04]
  • Friday October 25, 2023, 6 pm
  • Holiday Inn, Saratoga Springs
  • Featuring ???
  • Space is limited so please register early

Registration Form & Menu:   Annual Dinner Form / Menu

At the annual meeting, chapter members will be invited to vote for the new officers.

The current nominations are:
  • Chapter Chair - Kim Brown
  • 1st Vice Chair - Laura Fiske
  • 2nd Vice Chair - Jess Krause
  • Treasurer - Steve Mackey
  • Secretary - John Caffry
  • Members at Large - Jeff Mans, Kathi Noble, One position vacant
  • Trustee - Maureen Coutant
  • Alternate Trustee - Vacent

In the event that there is more than one candidate for any given office, at the annual meeting, the Secretary shall furnish a ballot containing the names of all nominees, arranged in alphabetical order, as candidates for each office. This ballot shall be the exclusive means of voting for officers, members-at-large, trustee and alternate trustee. The successful candidate for each position shall be determined by a simple majority of the votes cast.

Additional nominations; in writing, and particularly for the vacant one Member-At Large & Alternate Trustee positions, may be submitted by any member entitled to vote to Pat Desbiens, chair of the Nominating Committee, by close of business, October 1, 2024. Such nominations must be signed by no fewer than twelve (12) voting members.

Send additional nominations to:
  Glens Falls/Saratoga Chapter,
  Adirondack Mountain Club,
  PO Box 2314, Glens Falls, NY 12801,
  Attn: Nominating Committee - Pat Desbiens

See these biographies of the nominees:

KIM BROWN I have been a member of the ADK Glens Falls-Saratoga Chapter since 2012. Over the years I have been fortunate to make new friends and learn from many who have taken the time to share their outdoor experiences with me. Looking to give back, I became more actively involved with our Chapter upon my retirement in 2018. Currently I serve as Chapter Chair. I have served as both Education Chair and First Vice Chair. I am also a hike leader. I enjoy volunteering as a trail and summit steward so that others can learn to enjoy the outdoors safely and with care for the environment.

LAURA FISKE I have been a member of the Adirondack Mountain Club since the early 2000s and began my leadereship career with the Glens Falls-Saratoga Chapter. For the past several years I have been on the ADK Executive Committee and the Board of Directors. My current term expires at the end of calendar year 2023 and I am seeking to return to the chapter as your first vice chair. My years of experience with the leadership of the ADK will enable me to provide background and context for many of the changes implemented or being implemented by the ADK. Professionally, my background is in finance/budgeting and management. These skills and my prior chapter and ADK experience will enable me to be an effective first vice chair. In my leisure time I enjoy hiking, cycling and recently purchased a pack canoe so paddling is my next adventure.

JOHN CAFFRY I have been an ADK member since 1985 and have served the Club in many capacities, such as member of the Chapter Executive Committee since 1987; former Chapter Publicity Chair and Second Vice Chair; Chapter Secretary from 2006 to 2015, and starting again in 2018; Chapter Chair from 2016 to 2017; former member of ADK Board of Directors and Executive Committee; former chair of ADK Headquarters Committee; and former chair of the ADK Conservation Committee; and participated in the Adopt-a-Lean-to program for 10 years. Occasionally, I find time for hiking, paddling and all varieties of skiing.

JESSICA KRAUSE (Jess) I live in Saratoga Springs with my fiance, Will DeMuth. I am originally from a small town in western New York and spent most of my 20s in New York City. Once able to work remotely, we chose to live closer to the Adirondacks and have not looked back! Professionally, I am part of the business strategy team for a health technology company called League and hold a B.S. in Economics from Cornell. We spend every weekend that we can hiking the 3-6-9ers, 12sters, 46ers or simply backpacking out to enjoy a quiet lake. I am excited to volunteer for the 2nd vice chair position to learn from those around me, share my time and experience, and set the foundation to become more actively involved in the future.

MAUREEN COUTANT I have been an active member of ADK Glens Falls-Saratoga Chapter since the early 1990s. I have led hikes, chaired the nominating committee, served in the Vice Chair positions and as the Chapter Chair twice. Currently I help out the Banff Film Festival Committee to bring the festival to the Glens Falls area every February. I have helped with other nonprofits and know that it is hard to find voluntweers, so I am always willing to help when I can.

KATHI NOBLE I have been a member of the Adirondack Mountain Club (ADK) for many years, becoming involved with the Glens Falls-Saratoga Chapter in 2011 when my husband and I took over as the ADK Fire Tower Challenge correspondents. I have served in the past as the chapter's chair person and secretary. I retired in 2014 after 34 years of teaching special education. I fill my days hiking, biking, skiing, paddling and many other outdoor activities. I also volunteer as a ski instructor at the Double H Winter Adaptive Ski Program and as a trailhead steward at HPIC.

JEFF MANS My first Adirondack adventure was a canoe and camping trip from Old Forge to Blue Mountain Lake along the Fulton Chain of Lakes in my teens, and I was smitten by the beauty of the Adirondacks. After graduating from Albany Law School, I settled in the Albany area and began my longterm relationship with the Adirondacks, becoming a 46er in 2006, and more recently a winter 46er. During this time I had the good fortune of meeting and joining members of the ADK Glens Falls-Saratoga chapter on outings that introduced me to a variety of activities and like minded individuals. I have been an ADK member for a number of years, and became an Outings Leader in 2019, and since that time have continued to regularly lead outings to explore, camp and hike the Adirondacks year-round. My initial sense of wonder, enthusiasm, and inspiration are still present today each time I enter the Adirondacks to experience the land I love best.

STEVE MACKEY I have been an active member with the ADK Glens Falls-Saratoga Chapter since the early 80s and I've already served as the Chapter Treasurer for 8 years. I also have participated in the Adopt-aLean-To program, with Jim 'Jungle' Mosher, taking care of Ward Brook Lean-to for more than 30 years. We have always maintained the trail into Ward Brook Lean-to, so a couple of years ago, I made it official and adopted the five miles of trail. I have been busy improving the trail up Potash Mountain in Lake Luzerne the past few summers, as well as the new trail up Swede Mountain. If you have never been up either, make it a point to put them on your hiking schedule. I lead hikes regularly and do a lot of trail work with the 46's trail crew. I am retired now, but I spent my career as the owner/operator of the Luzerne Market which has been operating for 43 years.

  Vanderwhacker Mountain WF Moose Pond Club Road Closure [2024-08-24]
From the DEC website:

From August 28th through early October, this route, including the trail to Vanderwhacker Mountain, is closed to all vehicle, pedestrian and bike traffic during a bridge construction project.

This means that the Vanderwhacker Fire Tower will be off the challenge list until this project is completed.
  Bearproof Containers Available to Rent [2024-06-09]

These bear-proof canisters are required in the Central High Peaks Zone and are essential to use on any backcountry overnight adventure to any backpacking or canoe camping destination.

8.8 inch dia. X 12 inches long, weight 2.7 lbs.

Designed to slip into your backpack. Backpackers Cache (Garcia Manufacturing) and Bear Keg (Counter Assault) are the only two bear resistant food containers approved for use in the Central High Peaks Zone.

Rental Rates ( We have the best rental price! ):
  •   1-3 nights $5.00
  •   4-7 nights $10.00

Email trails@adk-gfs.org to reserve your canister rental. Rentals are available exclusively for ADK Glens Falls-Saratoga Chapter members. Pick up and drop location is Saratoga Springs. Rentals are available exclusively to ADK Glens Falls-Saratoga Chapter members

  Gore Mountain is back in the ADK Mtn Club Fire Tower Challenge as of April 29 [2024-04-29]
Effective April 29, 2024, 12:00 PM, Gore Mountain Fire Tower will return to the Adirondack Mountain Club Fire Tower Challenge now that the Gore Mountain ski season has ended.

Remember - climbing each tower is not required. As always, any questions or comments regarding the challenge should be sent to firetower@adk-gfs.org.

  May 15 program - Nature's Spirit, Artist's Hand was held at Saratoga Library [2024-05-15]
Join us for a fascinating PowerPoint presentation describing the topics of Bioregionalism and Environmental Connectedness Theory. Tom will add to his presentation with environmental quotations and by bringing his traditional handcrafted items many of which are in exhibits and headed to permanent collections.

Bioregionalism is a philosophy that suggests political, cultural and economic systems are more sustainable if they are organized around naturally defined areas. These are large, geographically distinct areas of land with common characteristics such as geology, soils, landform patterns, watersheds, regional climatic features, and native animal and plant spe- cies. Living within the limits and gifts provided by a place, creating a way of life that can be passed on to future generations, increasing autonomy and independence within communities will strengthen sustainability.

The Theory of Environmental Connectedness suggests that if humans feel a part of nature and are more connected to the natural world, they will feel a responsibility to care for nature and protect it.

About Thomas Mowatt: Professor Thomas Mowatt is retired from teaching science at SUNY ADK and has dedicated his life's journey to connecting people and nature through education. He has worked as a forest fire investigator, K9 dog handler, grant writer, environmental educator and Adirondack Guide to name just a few. He has a special interest in historic preservation and is currently restoring a 1910 log cabin in Clemons, NY. He is a frequent speaker in our area on many scientific topics.
  Jack Freeman (1937-2024) Co author of 'Views From On High' passed away March 9 [2024-04-14]
Many of us in our chapter know Jack from his work at ADK, primarily his involvement in the renaissance of fire towers on public land.The following will give you an idea of the rich fullness of his life.

At the age of seven, Jack was invited to sing in the Choir of Men and Boys at the Washington National Cathedral while attending the St. Albans School on the cathedral grounds. Later as a Boy Scout and achieving Eagle Scout he was introduced to caving, hiking, mountain climbing. Singing was always central to his life; baritone - music from liturgical to bluegrass.

Outdoor adventure found Jack everywhere he pursued academic achievement: Washington and Lee (BA) - hiking and backpacking the Blue Ridge Mountains, Masters in organic chemistry from the University of Washington - hiking in the Cascade and Olympic Mountains, PhD in chemistry at Ohio State University - exploring and mapping Kentucky caves. As a research chemist at Eastman Kodak in Rochester,

Jack was introduced to the Adirondacks. Not just a Winter 46er, he went on to become the 31st person to summit the high points of all 50 states in 1994. It's been a pleasure and an honor to have known Jack and to have collaborated on fire tower projects with him. Jack's unique skill of bringing people together and getting things done led to the restoration of forest preserve fire towers starting with Blue Mountain, Azure, and Hadley. Fire towers captured the imagination of the hiking public.

Once those first few fire towers were rehabbed for public access due to Jack's effective advocacy, lobbying prevailed to save those slated for removal, friends groups brought love to the structures via work projects, and most importantly: The Adirondack Mountain Club Fire Tower Challenge. Jack was an original challenge project designer introducing thousands of hikers of all abilities to the wonder of a fire tower hike.

Jack's 2001 book Views From On High, now in its second revised edition helps hikers prepare for and enjoy their fire tower hikes. It all started with Jack. At the age of 70, Jack married Tillie, his long-ago high school prom date and classical oboist, and together they rounded up their 1950s Boy and Girl Scout friends into a group they called Ancient Scouts of North Atlanta. The Ancient Scouts continued to meet annually, reinforcing old friendships and enjoying new adventures.

Jack died Saturday evening, March 9, 2024, in Ogdensburg, New York, while in the diligent and loving care of Tillie and the staff of the nonprofit St. Joseph's Home. It is fascinating to read tributes to Jack from all the corners of his life. So many people have been touched by him in so many ways. It's an enduring pleasure to have known Jack and to have sampled Tillie's latest vegan creations from the kitchen while Jack and I worked on his book's second edition. Here's to Jack and a life well lived.

- Jim Schneider
  April 17 Program - K2 Basecamp Trek - was held at Saratoga Library [2024-04-12]
- K-2 Basecamp Trek August 2023 K-2 is the second highest peak in the world and is known by many names: Mt Godwin-Austin, Chogori, 'the Savage Mountain'. It is located in northeast Pakistan in the Karakoram Range. The mountains here are wilder, more rugged and less inhabited than the corresponding ranges of the Hindu Kush or the Himalayas.

The trek up the Baltoro glacier to K-2 basecamp is a journey of unsurpassed beauty and unforeseen surprises. Tom Rosecrans, owner of Rocksport Indoor Climbing Gym, traveled to the region with his daughters to see for himself if it truly is, as Galen Rowell called it 'The Throne Room of the Mountain Gods'.
  Buck Mountain-Pilot Knob Trailhead Steward Project [2024-04-03]
What is it?
  • We know from research and data that trailhead stewarding works. It reduces NYSDEC Forest Ranger callouts. It helps hikers have a more enjoyable experience when properly prepared. It helps avoid the avoidable resource impacts and minimizes the unavoidable resource impacts.
  • Where?
    • We work in the Buck Mountain-Pilot Knob Trailhead parking lot on the east side of Lake George.
    • Our primary focus is on weekends during July and August in the morning.
    • There will be a virtual training event at the beginning of May. You can sign up for as many or as few shifts as you wish. We're very respectful of your time. We have a storage shed with our material next door at the fire station for convenience.
    • This trailhead launches hikes by mostly new, novice, and visiting hikers. It is much more impactful to reach this audience to achieve an enduring public land stewardship mindset - more so than at other trailhead locations including the High Peaks region.

    If interested, contact:
      Jim Schneider
      ADK Glens Falls-Saratoga Chapter
  Program - Family Adventures in the Wildernews was held 3/20 at Saratoga Lib [2023-12-27]
In the winter of 2009 Kris Walker was on the path to living out his dreams in the mountains. But, that year, just before the birth of his first son, he also lost a friend in a fire fighting accident. Simultaneously becoming a father and reckoning with the precarious nature of life brought a quick end to his budding dreams as an alpinist.

Fourteen years later, after he had hung up his crampons, seemingly forever, he was back on Rainier. This time with his 14 year old son. Getting to that point was a process. It was a long process which often felt too short. It was deliberate yet mostly serendipitous. Kris would like to share that process with you, along with his endearing relationship with the Adirondacks, and how it has helped form a framework for life, both in and out of the mountains.

There will be some hard skills to take home for winter mountaineering, as well as mindset insights, tips, tricks, and lessons learned adventuring with a young family in the mountains.

No registration required.
  Reminder that the following Fire Tower Trails have Closures: [2023-10-26]
  • Swede: 09/11 - 12/15 Hunting Season Closure
  • Stillwater: 10/10 - 12/20 Hunting Season Closure
  • Spruce: 10/21 - 12/03 Hunting Season Closure
  • Gore: 11/22 - Until end of Ski Season

These Fire Tower trails will be closed for public access inclusive of these dates.

Therefore, the Adirondack Mountain Club Fire Tower Committee will disallow any climbs during the closure period. Please be respectful of the private property that this trail traverses. It is by the generosity of the landowner we have access to this awesome hike and its fire tower. Abuse and bad behavior risks future public access. Please plan ahead and prepare.

  Program - Back Packing With Lamas was held on Feb 17 at Saratoga Lib [2023-12-27]
Come hear from Lenore and Jack Reber about their time joining the Sierra Club for a camping trip in the backcountry of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument! They each led a llama that carried their gear to a water-hole campsite, last occupied 10,000 years ago! Jack and Lenore will share the story of their week spent hiking among the multi-colored formations and in and along the Escalante River. 

Lenore and Jack are retired teachers who travel, hike, paddle and snowshoe and are presenting their third ADK program. They divide their time between Saratoga Springs and Indian Lake.

No registration required.
  The Banff Film Festival World   VIRTUAL came to the Wood Theater in February 2024 [2023-12-04]

  • Film at the Wood Theater, Glens Falls
  • Fri Feb 2nd, Sat Feb 3rd, & Sun Feb 4th
  • Different Show each evening
  • Doors will open a 6pm prior to each screening.
  • Film starts at 7 pm.
  • Tickets on sale to all December 15th

  • Drinks and snacks will be available.
  • Enjoy a prescreening Mountain Art Exhibit created by local artists.
  • Early bird door prizes raffle from 6 - 6:30.

View Trailer for 2023/24 World Tour

Show Schedule and Content of the films to be shown each night::
Ticket Information:

  • Tickets $23   Includes ticketing fees and free popcorn
  • Tickets go on sale December 15th
  • Charles R Wood Theater at 518-480-4878
  • Online Order at   woodtheater.org/banff
  • Great gift idea!

Presented by Glens Falls-Saratoga Chapter of Adirondack Mountain Club & sponsors

  Buck Mountain Fire Tower added to the FTC Challenge [2023-09-06]
The Fire Tower Committee of the Glens Falls/Saratoga Chapter of the ADK Mountain Club has approved the addition of the Buck Mountain Fire Tower to the Adirondack Mountain Club's Fire Tower Challenge effective September 2, 2023.

For more info on the fire tower, view: Long Lake News article

For more info on the fire tower challenge, view: Fire Tower Challenge
  Reminder about Leave No Trace (LNT) Principles [2023-08-01]
Trailhead stewarding at the Buck Mountain-Pilot Knob Trailhead. We talk to hikers about public land resource protection and the 10 essentials for every backpack, every hike. What's in your backpack?

The 7 Leave No Trace Principles guide our stewarding message.

View:   The 7 Principles

  ADK GF-S Buck Mt.Trailhead Steward Pgm Presented to the Pilot Knob Assoc [2023-08-03]
Kim Brown and Jim Schneider presented the ADK GF-S Buck Mt.Trailhead Steward Progam to the Pilot Knob Association - a very attentive and interested audience.

Folks were engaged and asked many excellent questions and were impressed by our dedication to volunteer stewardship and protecting public wildlands.

  Trail to the Goodnow Fire Tower is now open [2023-05-28]
Our friends at SUNY ESF Newcomb Campus have reopened the trail to the Goodnow Fire Tower. View their facebook page at: facebook.com/ESFNewcombCampus

Therefore, effective May 25, 2023, the Goodnow Fire Tower has rejoined the Adirondack Mountain Club's Fire Tower Challenge.

If you have any questions or need any trail or fire tower information feel free to send an email to firetower@adk-gfs.org

  Mud Season Alert: Stay below 3,000 ft from May to Mid June [2023-04-22]
During spring mud season, trails are particularly vulnerable to erosion. The spring thaw creates mud that penetrates much deeper into the soil than the surface mud created by summer rains, and trails are thus more easily damaged by hikers' boots.

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation institutes a voluntary trail closure in the Eastern High Peaks during this time of year that asks hikers to refrain from traveling above 3,000 feet.

Here is a big way you can help: if you encounter a muddy patch on the trail, walk right through it! Skirting to the edges widens trails and creates even more mud, so help out your fellow hikers and stick to the trail. This is where good footwear comes in handy!

  Do You Want to be a Volunteer Buck Mountain Trailhead Steward? [2023-04-09]
ADK Buck Mountain Trailhead Stewards are dedicated volunteer education professionals who enjoy engaging with the public, sharing their knowledge, and helping them have safe, successful outdoor experiences.

They are comfortable working in the back country wilderness, sometimes alone and/or in challenging weather conditions, and see their role as active stewards of the Forest Preserve and ambassadors for ADK. Knowledge of ADK’s mission and goals, principles of Leave No Trace, and NYS DEC regulations are required. and must be at least 18 years of age.

Full Position Description: View
To apply: Apply

  Jayne Bouder, long-time Trip Leader has 'Hung up her boots' [2023-04-15]
Jayne Bouder, long-time, and one might even say legendary, leader for the Glens Falls / Saratoga Chapter has 'hung up her boots' and retired from leading. We thought this was an appropriate time to share an appreciation for Jayne from the many people on and off the trail, as Jayne was a noted bushwhacker

Please review the March Newsletter tip text   to view all the tributes to Jayne from our chapter members!

  Adirondack Voices [2022-09-16]
The Adirondack Mountain Club is nothing if not for the stories of members; we are our stories. ADK at 100 years has lost so many stories; more are being lost each year. It is ironic that this storied organization does not have a formal history program, a commitment via human and financial resources or at least a mention in its guiding strategic plan.

Recognizing the need to capture Adirondack Mountain Club oral history - a dedicated group of passionate volunteers from throughout organization has banded together to make this a reality. Funding has been provided by generous donations from ADK chapters.

What is ADK Voices?

We are a group of ADKers from across New York State and New Jersey working in collaboration with OurStoryBridge, a nation-wide platform, resource and toolkit for producing a crowdsourced community story project emphasizing audio history and sharing. Using OurStoryBridge we are recording short stories (five minutes or less) of ADK chapter folks, ADK staff - past and present, stories of the past and stories of the present for use as historical record.

The recorded stories will be publicly accessible on a website we are currently building with the expectation the ADK administration will link ADK Voices to adk.org. Our group is proud and excited to bring this member-directed, chapter-driven project to reality.

Do you have a story to tell? Send an email with a summary to: trails@adk-gfs.org

Go to the new website: https://www.adkvoices.org

  Free Shuttle Improves Safety, Visitor Access to Popular High Peaks Trailheads [2022-07-05]
DEC, Essex County, Town of Keene, and ROOST Announce Adirondack Route 73 Shuttle Season Starts July 9

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), Essex County, town of Keene, and Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism (ROOST) today announced the Route 73 shuttle system launched in 2021 will return on Saturday, July 9.

The shuttle system helps manage safe, sustainable visitation along the busy Route 73 corridor in the Adirondack High Peaks region. The free shuttle system will operate on weekends and holidays through Monday, Oct. 10, 2022. New this year, additional runs on select weekends in August and October will be piloted from Frontier Town Gateway in North Hudson.

Read more here: content.govdelivery.com/accounts/NYSDEC/bulletins/31f1690

  ADK Mtn Club Advisory Council Jan 18 2022 Hilights [2022-02-19]
  • The Cascade Ski Center was purchased; Goggins Road property has an interested party.
  • 60+ outings are scheduled for the Fall Weekend/Centennial Celebration, Sep 23-25, 2022 in Silver Bay.
  • Kate Hacker, from the Niagara Frontier Chapter, was elected to serve on the ADK Board of Directors. She will represent the Club membership.

The ADK mission statement has changed and is no longer stated as a 'member directed' organization.

As per the change in ADK bylaws approved by ADK membership, member representation in ADK governance now focuses on the lone board seat allotted to the Advisory Council representative - the representative of ADK membership.

If you have any comments, thoughts, concerns, suggestions regarding ADK in any way, shape or form, please let Jim Schneider ( trustee@adk-gfs.org ) know and he will communicate them to Kate.

The next Advisory Council meeting is May 17, 2022.
  Some Programs From the Past are on YouTube [2022-02-19]
  Swede Mountain added to ADK Fire Tower Challenge [2021-08-14]
The Adirondack Mountain Club Fire Tower Committee has officially included SWEDE MOUNTAIN in the ADK Fire Tower Challenge effective August 13, 2021.

Public access is due to the hard work of Warren County folks and community leaders. Most importantly, the trail traverses private property to access the tower. The landowner requests hikers stay on the trail at all times. Please respect private property.

The trail is closed to public access September 10 - December 16 due to hunting club leases. Climbs during the closure period will not be accepted toward the challenge.

Swede Mtn Details: View PDF
  Recent Chapter Program Videos Available Online [2021-05-27]
  • Historic Bridges of the Adirondacks (May 19, 2021) Video
  • Alaska the Last Frontier (4/21/2021)  Video
  • Forest Pests Impact on Adirondacks (3/24/2021):   Video
  • Hiking Adrians Wall (11/18/2020):   Video
  • Modern Threats to ADK Waterways (9/23/2020):   Video
  Views From On High 2nd Revised 2021 Edition is Available [2021-04-11]
Views From On High 2nd Revised 2021 Edition is now available from ADK. New material includes extensive Catskill and Adirondack trail and fire tower updates through winter 2021 including:

  • Poke-O-Moonshine - New Ranger Trail with its hiker friendly stone steps, switchbacks and scenic reroute.
  • St. Regis: - New trailhead from Spring Bay of Upper St. Regis Lake. Combine a paddle trip with a fire tower hike.
  • Hunter: - We love loop hikes! So, we put together this very interesting route combining the Spruceton Trail and the Devil's Path for an 8.8 mile loop.
  • Red Hill - NYS Department of Environmental Conservation teamed up with New York City Department of Environmental Protection and the town of Denning, with support from the State's Environmental Protection Fund and constructed a new trailhead and information kiosk on Denning Road.

  • Purchase book: ADK Mtn Club Publications

  Fill out report if you hiked Pharaoh Lake Wilderness Area [ ]
Fill out report if you hiked Pharaoh Lake Wilderness Area. Have you hiked in the Pharaoh Wilderness Area? If you haven't what you will find are beautiful lakes and ponds, quiet solitude, great backpacking, easy walking, and delightful swimming. When you come back, let us know what you found. We are particularly interested in flowers, animals, trail and lean-to conditions, and just about anything notable either good or bad. Your Glens Falls-Saratoga ADK Chapter has adopted the entire Pharaoh Lake Wilderness Area.
Please send send an email with the information to Jim Schneider at: metadatajim@gmail.com
  • Unusual Animals
  • Unusual Plants
  • Trail Conditions (blowdown, beaver activity, signs missing or incorrect, etc.):
  • Lean-to Conditions:
  • Other:
  • Or mail your report to:
    • Pharaoh Lake Wilderness Area
    • Glens Falls-Saratoga Chapter ADK
    • P.O. Box 2314
    • Glens Falls, NY 12801

Updated: April 24 2024

ADK Voices - Stories That Link Our Past, Present and Future
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